Determinants of empowerment among Women Producers of improved chickens in Bariadi and Muheza Districts, Tanzania

Determinants of empowerment among Women Producers of improved chickens in Bariadi and Muheza Districts, Tanzania


  • Regina Maunde Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy
  • Joyce G. Lyimo-Macha Sokoine University of Agriculture
  • John N. Jeckoniah


Women empowerment, Composite Empowerment Index, African Chicken Genetic


Women empowerment is a dynamic and multidimensional process whereby various factors could
influence differently the extent to which women are empowered in different contexts. Rigorous
evidence on the determinants of women empowerment in specific agricultural projects is scantily
documented. Therefore, the paper examines the determinants of women empowerment in keeping
improved chickens in Bariadi and Muheza Districts. The study adopted a cross-sectional research
design. A sample size of 240 women was involved, including 120 beneficiaries of African
Chicken Genetic Gain (ACGG) and 120 non-beneficiaries. Data were collected through a
questionnaire-based survey, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions
(FGDs). Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ordinal logistic
regression while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. A Composite
Empowerment Index (CEI) was used to gauge women empowerment. Women engaged in the
ACGG project were categorized into higher level of empowerment than were non-beneficiaries
(CEI = 0.714 and 0.529 respectively). Ordinal logistic regression results showed that age,
religion, forms of marriage and involvement in ACGG project were the main predictors for
women empowerment (p < 0.05). The findings showed that the ACGG project provided the
enabling environment for increasing women’s agency through supporting women’s access to
productive resources and women control over the benefits. In addition, ACGG project through
Community Innovation Platforms (CIPs) provided opportunities for stakeholders networking, not
only along chicken value chain, but also along other value chain among stakeholders responsible
for gender integration and community development at large. The study recommends for
development stakeholders such as Local Government Authorities (LGAs), Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), and private sectors to scale up
improved chicken intervention to other areas. These entities should also engage in the provision
of capacity building on how to empower women along the chicken value chain at the district


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How to Cite

Maunde, R., Macha, J., & Jeckoniah, J. (2024). Determinants of empowerment among Women Producers of improved chickens in Bariadi and Muheza Districts, Tanzania . African Journal of Accounting and Social Sciences, 2(1). Retrieved from